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Welcome to Chakrabreath



The Art of Personal Evolution



Inner Journey Concerts + Workshops

Zen Shakuhachi Bamboo Flute & Ambient Dreamscapes


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Alan Orchid Shak

Alan Roth

Founder: ChakraBreath™

Musician / Composer / Author

Founder: Yoga Healer Academy-Hawaii (YA® RYS-200)


What people are saying...

  •  It is my direct experience that Alan is spiritually called and empowered to facilitate true transformationaI healing. I believe he is a spiritual mid-wife, here to assist the birth of the higher self into physicality. Whether you have the motivating stimulus of a health or life challenge, or simply seek to awaken to greater love and freedom, working with Alan will bring a shower of Divine Grace into your life and heart.”
                - Noell Grace - Sound Healer/Singer/Visionary Watercolorist (Santa Barbara, CA)

    “K Alan’s work is a reflection of true clarity. His level of integrity is combined with a real gift of knowing where to go & how to move energy. Working with him is a privilege that reveals deeper resonance with the true purpose, clears the bonds & illuminates the cause of limitations. Thank you K Alan.” 

    Paol Seagram - Spiritual Teacher /Author (Hawaii /Sedona, USA)


     I was very impressed with your channeling.  You nailed the 2 chakras that I have been working with the most during the past few months and you gave me some really good advice. “

    V - (USA)

    I was recently in an automobile accident and had several years of financial challenges. I was feeling wounded and fragmented. I needed some support and energy shifting.  I received a wonderful energetic treatment that shifted and healed. During the treatment, I felt many parts of my body and mind shifting... While he was working on me, he described phenomena of energy flow in my body that were releasing. I felt those areas responding in a smooth positive manner. He was quite detailed and calming. I felt safe and soothed. Immediately afterwards I experienced zero pain and a sense of upliftment and empowerment. I feel almost entirely healed... I welcome another healing from this talented and connected man. Thank you Alan.

    Rob Kinslow-Sustainability Consultant: Business Development, Coach, Educator (Hawaii)

  • "...a fabulous meditation. Alan K's multi-dimensional muse is sure to engage..."
    Harold H. Bloomfield, M.D.- Multiple N.Y. TIMES Bestselling Author

    "Exquisite!  Absolutely beautiful in every aspect..."
    Kit Thomas - Music, Film & TV Producer, Musician, Emmy Award winner, Oscar Nominee.

    "...soothing and soul-feeding..."
    Alan Cohen - contributing writer for N.Y. TIMES#1 bestselling series 'Chicken Soup for the Soul'

    "I love it!"

    Naina Dewan - CSW, Dance Instructor, Alexander Technique Practitioner (NYC/SC)

    "Absolutely beautiful!  I struggle a lot with insomnia, and your CD actually helped put me to sleep last night!  I am very grateful.

    Jackie Jensen - Yogi (Hawaii)

  • "... a Shamanic tale that is sure to delight... Enjoy this wisdom-filled read..."
    Harold H. Bloomfield, M.D.Multiple N.Y. Times Bestselling Author

    "A poetic mystical journey written masterfully from the heart. Definitely a doorway to a higher dimension."
    Alan Cohen - contributing writer for 
    N.Y. TIMES #1 bestselling series 'Chicken Soup for the Soul', Author of The Dragon Doesn’t Live Here Anymore, the award-winning A Deep Breath of Life, and the classic 'Are You as Happy as Your Dog?)

    "Beautifully written. I loved it! I had it on tour with me and each night before sleep would read a few pages. No matter how late or how sleepy I was I looked forward to returning to the place that I was taken to by reading this story before going off to sleep. Thank you for the inspiration and lessons. Absolutely wonderful!"

    Victoria Palagy - Singer/Songrwriter, Vocalist (TomTom Club)

    Fields Beyond the Known, in the tradition of Richard Bach, Carlos Castaneda and Paulo Coelho, is a Shamanic tale that is sure to delight, sparkling as it does with Divine light. Desert, bird, serpent and sky come alive, as sounds you can see and sights you can hear, to unravel the riddle encased in an enigma, parting the mists of the manifest creation. Enjoy this wisdom-filled read along with the author, Alan K Roth's,  accompanying CD, Only Sky Remains, a fabulous meditation. Alan K's multi-dimensional muse is sure to engage and entertain you.

    Harold H. Bloomfield, M.D.Multiple N.Y. Times Bestselling Author